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Nature reset quote

Just the whole manner in which this was done, the seeming lack of honor in their ordering process, and the complete lack of explanation or apology (the SOD was for several people) soured me. I have no problem with a business changing their sales format I do take issue in the sequence of these events. If they were out, they could have notified me and they COULD have sent them out later.

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No reason given, leading me to assume it must have cut to much into their bottom line. All of the SOD I’d ordered was cancelled and refunded. Several days after I placed the order, another email came out regarding a change in their sales policy (making it sound like it was hurting their profits) and another regarding my order.

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Recently I purchased several bottles of their SOD and two of the Intelligent Skin (both on sale). The photo made it look like the bottles were the same size, however when I received the new version, the bottle was much smaller and there were only 60 capsules, down from 90 (no price change). The photo, to me, was deceptive since I had purchased the formula before in the older packaging.

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Unfortunately, not long ago they changed the look and name of their Sleep Boost. Sadly, I will no longer be purchasing from this company

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